조경뉴스 2
"옴스테드 디자인철학, 여전히 유효하다"
비톨드 립친스키와의 대... Contact with colleagues in the Wharton real estate department led to Last Harvest(2007), for example. My next book, How Architecture Works, which will be published in October of this year, was influenced by a freshman class I taught a... 라펜트2013-10-02
"건물을 넘어, 도시 규모로 확대되는 버티컬 가든"
패트릭 블랑과의 대담 contact with nature. When you see a vertical garden it’s like a...contact with nature because they live in towns, but by contrast they also know...contact with the plants. Q. You once said, “I lik 라펜트2013-09-04