ASLA , 2011 학생공모전 수상자 발표

미조경가협회, 7개분야 40개 프로젝트 선정
라펜트l나창호 기자l기사입력2011-09-15

미조경가협회는 지난 13 '2011 학생공모'에 대한 수상자를 발표했다. 7개 분야(General Design, Residential Design, Analysis and Planning, Communications, Research, Community Service, Student Collaboration)에서 40여 프로젝트가 선정되었다. 수상작에 대한 프리젠테이션과 공식행사는 11 2() 미국 캘리포니아주 샌디에고 ASLA 연례총회에서 개최된다.


각 카테고리별 최우수(Award of Excellence) 작품과 수상자는 아래와 같으며(작품명 클릭하면 프로젝트로 이동), Research Category의 최우수 작품은 선정되지 않았다.


한편 ASLA 학생공모전 사이트(에서는 고 해상도 이미지로 수상작을 감상할 수 있다.


General Design Category

Tempelhof Wasserpark_Johanna F. Barthmaier, Associate ASLA, Graduate, University of Pennsylvania


Residential Design Category

Vegetation House: House for Being the Medium of Plant Growth_Jheng-Ru Li, Student Affiliate ASLA and Chieh-Hsuan Hu, Student Affiliate ASLA, Graduate, National Chiao Tung University


Analysis and Planning Category

UPGRADE / RETROFIT: Strategies for Re-Urbanization of Haiti's Hillsides_Jeff Powers, Student ASLA and Byron White, Student ASLA, Graduate, University of Toronto


Communications Category

SHIFT:infrastructure_Lorna Allen, Student Associate ASLA; Tucker Beeninga, Student ASLA; Sarah Elsaesser, Associate ASLA; Matt Evans, Student ASLA; Benjamin Hood, Student ASLA; Michael Lynskey, Associate ASLA; Preston Montague, Student ASLA; Leslie Morefield, Associate ASLA; Lindsay Ruderman, Student ASLA; Scott Simmons, Associate ASLA; Caitlin Smolewski, Associate ASLA; Matt Tomasulo, Student ASLA; David Toms, Associate ASLA and Luke Wallenbeck, Associate ASLA, Graduate-Undergraduate, North Carolina State University


Community Service

Adams Elementary School Garden for Experiential Learning _Amanda J. Dunlap, Student ASLA, Graduate, Utah State Universiry


Student Collaboration

plantLAB_Mike Cook, Student ASLA; Chris DeHenzel, Student ASLA; Brian Gillett, Student Affiliate ASLA; Rockne Hanish, Student Affiliate ASLA and Darryl Jones, Student ASLA, Graduate, University of California, Berkeley

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