
남악신도시 모아엘가2차

월간 환경과조경201310306l환경과조경

남악신도시는 전남 영암호 주변의 목포시와 무안군에 걸쳐 개발되고 있으며, 전라남도청과 각종 유관기관이 이전되면서 행정타운과 함께 급성장하고 있는 서남부권의 신도시다. 모아엘가2차는 40% 이상의 풍성한 녹지율을 자랑할 뿐만 아니라 남악지구를 관통하는 남창천의 지천과 인접해 이후 조성될 어린이공원과 경관녹지까지 단지의 경관요소로 담아내는 녹색주거단지로 자리매김할 예정이다.

조경은 풍부한 녹지를 기반으로 남도의 기후조건을 활용함으로써 상록활엽수를 적극적으로 도입했으며, 매립지인 대상지 특성과 무안의 지역적 상징체계를 접목하여 연꽃을 테마로 공간 및 통합시설물계획을 진행하였다. 특히 연꽃의 이미지를 활용해 단지 곳곳에 배치된 엘가퍼골라는 브랜드이미지가 성장하고 있는 모아엘가의 새로운 조경요소가 될 전망이다.

Architect _ Moa Housing Construction Co., Ltd

Landscape Architect _ Gaia Global Co., Ltd

Location _ Apartment Houses Block 21, Namak-ri, Samhyang-eup, Muan-gun, Jeollanam-do

Area _ 28,406m2

Landscape Area _ 12,100m2

Completion _ 2013. 09.

Photograph _ Park, Sang Beak

Editor _ Lee, Hyeong Joo

Translator _ Ahn, Ho Kyoon

Located near Yeongam Lake in Jeollanam-do, Namak New Town is being constructed in Mokpo-si and Muan-gun. As the provincial government building of Jeollanam-do and other government agencies and organizations have moved in, the city has recently been flourishing in southwestern part of the country. Moa Elgaa can be characterized by its green area ratio of over 40% and the stream adjacent to the complex, which flows into Namchangcheon running through the Namak district. With a children’ park and green landscape that will be established in the near future, the apartment complex is expected to represent a successful example of a green residential development.

Essentially, the landscaping work was based on the abundance of existing green space and the climate conditions of the southern province, actively introducing evergreen broadleaved trees, and the comprehensive planning for the overall space and facilities was created by combining the distinct characteristics of the project site as reclaimed land and the local symbol system of Muan-gun, with a theme of a lotus flower. Especially, Elgaa pergolas, created by using an image of the flower, are located here and there throughout the complex, playing a significant role as a unique landscaping feature of the company, which has enhanced its brand power recently.

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